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get involved
home groups
These are our church in miniature! Each week in school term time, 90 people meet in small groups of between 7-12 to read the Bible together, pray and enjoy each other's company. They are great places to get to know people well, grow in faith and look out for each other.
Men's breakfast
Every couple of months, men of the church are invited to meet over a cooked breakfast to hear Christian testimony. It's a great time to invite enquiring friends too.
Women's group
Once a month, women of the church similarly meet to hear and share testimony.
annual house party
Every year in winter/early spring, we aim to take over a hotel somewhere for a weekend away for the church. Over a hundred people gather to unwind amidst the church family, hear a visiting speaker and relax!

monthly prayer meeting
On the first Wednesday of each month (barring August and January), the church congregation is invited to come and pray for the ministry within our parish. This is the church's engine room! Home groups do not normally meet in that week.
early birds prayer meeting
On Fridays at 8.00am there is an open meeting providing opportunity to pray for one another.
Prayer ministry
There are numerous opportunities to pray with other members of the congregation at meetings, services and home groups. Almost all of our gatherings start and end in prayer.
prayer table
In church, there is a 'Prayer Table' with take-away resources to encourage our individual prayer lives.

Want to get more involved in the church? Here are some of the ways you can help the minstry.
Eating together is a great way of growing into the church family. If you would like to be involved in any aspect of catering, you will always find a welcome from the team.
Click here if you are interested in helping with this ministry.
We have flowers beautifully prepared for us every Sunday which are later taken to members of the congregations or others as gifts. On other occasions there is more prolific decoration of the church and volunteers are always welcome!
Click here if you are interested in helping with this ministry.
Our sung worship is led by a team of instrumentalists and singers, lifting our hearts to the Lord in adoration, thanksgiving and prayer, in contemporary and traditional styles.
Click here if you are interested in helping with this ministry.
I.T is used prolifically to undergird our ministries. In church for data projection of liturgy, hymns, videos, etc., also vision mixing for online services and, of course the sound desk. Given all these are during congregational worship, we're anxious to have a wide number and variety of people at work on IT so that they too can join the congregation! Please make yourself known if you have skills or would like to learn from scratch!
Click here if interested in helping with this ministry.
bell ringing
We have a ring of eight bells and some very keen campanologists (bellringers!) who ring for our services and practice on Thursday evenings. They welcome all ages, and it's fun!
Click here if you are interested in helping with this ministry.
diy team
Please make yourself known if you like getting invloved in DIY - we need you. Apprentices welcome!
Click here if interested in helping with this ministry.

Sunday preaching
Each quarter of the year we publish a 'Term Card' which lists what we're reading and preaching on at our Sunday services. All our preachers love to chat about the sermon after the service over refreshments and always welcome feedback and encouragement.
Weekday courses
From time to time, we put on various courses to help the congregation and any of their invited guests to grow in discipleship. Courses such as Christianity Explained, The Basics (of discipleship), How to read the Bible, Discipleship Explored, A faith M.O.T. We also put on others such as the Bereavement Journey course, Mental and Spiritual Health and an annual Lent Course. They are advertised in the church notices as and when they are run. In this way we hope members of the congregation take responsibility for growing in their discipleship.

If you would like to give financially to support the ministry of Emmanuel Church and linked Ministries, various options are available - standing order, online giving, debit card donation in church, cash in the church gifts box. If you pay income tax, we encourage you to use Gift Aid to enable us to claim back your tax from HMRC and increase your giving by 25%.
Leaflets explaining giving towards Emmanuel ministry are available in church. Thank you so much for your participation and support. If you have any queries, please contact the Treasurer or speak to the Church Office.