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local community 




Each week, one of our clergy take an assembly at Compton CofE VC Primary School which forms a regular contact with the children who often use our church building for various events. The School are always happy to help advertise our children's events.


After School Club

Each Wednesday, after school assembly, our children's worker leads a Christian after school club.


Click here for more information or to help with this ministry.

child contact

Child Contact

Child Contact

Child Contact, run twice a month, is an Emmanuel initiative led by members of the congregation and local community to enable parents, otherwise separated by court ruling, to meet under supervision.


It is the only place they can do this for free in Plymouth.


Click here for more information or to help with this ministry.

Holiday Club 2024

Wow…what a fabulous week for Holiday Club 2024!

On the theme of “The Quest”, almost 80 children from our local community enjoyed five days of drama, craft workshops, Bible teaching, singing and worshipping together, in the company of over 40 volunteer helpers from the church congregation.


Such a delight to see so many smiling faces. And to finish the week…a free barbecue in the church grounds!!


Thank you to all the parents who fed back such positive comments afterwards, and special thanks to all the amazing volunteers who ensured the message of the Light of the World was communicated to the youngsters with such passion and fun.


Look out on our website for details of 2025’s Holiday Club – open to all children of primary school age.

Food Ministry

St Paul's Food Aid

Our sister church, St Paul's Efford, run a year-round larder for their surrounding community. Also, at Christmas, they distribute 60-70 hampers of festive food. Emmanuel participates in this ministry by collecting food in church and from outlets in the City.


Click here if you are interested in helping with this ministry.

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care home ministry

There are many residential care homes in the parish. While clergy visit individuals, members of the congregation form teams to conduct simple services during the year and carol services around Christmas.


Click here if you are interested in helping with this ministry.

Tea break

A weekly Friday afternoon opportunity for local seniors to meet in our church hall over tea and cake, hear a speaker, participate in various activities, and sometime go on local trips together. Great for them, great for the church to engage with local commmunity.


Click here for more information or to help with this ministry.

Tea Time


Our Ladies group – hilariously known as DIMEs (Divas in Ministry at Emmanuel) – meets monthly to share fellowship, hear personal testimonies, and enjoy Christ-centred time together, with the opportunity to pray for each other and the local community.
The group is popular with our ladies, as evidenced by the increasing numbers since its humble inception some years ago, and we welcome new members with our famous ‘brunch’ at the start of each meeting.

Ask here for more information, or bookmark the last Saturday of the month (11.00am) in your diaries.

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Craft and chatter

On Monday mornings, meeting in the church Oval Room from 11.30am for craft and chatter! Bring your hobby, whatever it is, sit round the table and chat.


Click here for more information

strawberry tea

An annual favourite towards the end of summer - an open house at the home of one of our congregation. Details will appear in the weekly notice sheet.


Click here for more information.

Fresh Baked Scones


Social Calendar

One of the aspirations of our church is to be one big family. Our Social Calendar is available on a tri-fold card in church. It has events every month which variously suit every age and stage of life!


You're welcome at everything, whoever you are!



Each year we hold summer (June) and Christmas (November) fairs. An opportunity to engage with and serve our local community, and perhaps to raise some funds for missions we sponsor.


Carols round the Lamp

As Christmas approaches, we spend a family Friday evening in the church grounds singing carols, sharing the Nativity story, munching on mince pies, sipping glühwein or mulled wine, and having fun with the children.. Another chance to engage with and serve our local community.

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